I’m a big believer in using some supplements in your fitness career. I don’t think you need to go crazy, but you need some additional boost to help with your recovery and growth. Protein powder is one of the best supplements to use. I like using several different types.
Isopure Infusions protein powder is one of my favorites to use in the summertime. I mix it up in the morning and put it in the refrigerator to be ready for when I come home from the gym. It’s been hot and this is a very low-calorie high protein refresher.
Big Hybrid Turbos
Welcome to Turbo Tuesday and part 3 of the story. We left off yesterday with the new turbo making a little more than the Pure700 with no doubt that there was more left in it. The tune hadn’t been updated. Now was time for a new turbo specific tune to take advantage of the improved airflow and a built engine.
Related: Turbos Car Parts
It’s been a long time since I’ve done an update on my build and a lot has changed. I continue to get questions on what has been done to it so here is an update.
Related: My Build Elite Finish Detailing
How do you keep your car clean? There are many products out there that can be used. Let me share with you my favorite waterless wash and what I use exclusively now.
Weight Lifting Straps
I use a variety of tools in the gym that the gym doesn't provide. These are personal items and need to be what you as an individual wants to use. For example you might like a particular type of knee brace or need something for your elbow. I like to use lifting straps as one of my aids in lifting. I've used a variety of types and will discuss them below.
As a fit athlete I get asked often if I’m willing to join various MLM companies, be part of their team. They look at me as someone who can market for them and as all MLM’s work, the more specialists in their pyramid the more money they can make.
Brita Filter
Product: Brita Water Pitcher
Price: $27.91 Best Place to Buy: Amazon Size of Container: 10 cup My Rating: 9.5 out of 10 The Brita Water Pitcher Overview Water is one of the most important things we put into our bodies. You can live a long time without food but not very long at all without water. I drink over a gallon of water each and every day. I don’t like the taste of tap water but don’t like buying bottled water. A fantastic alternative is the Brita Water Pitcher. This water pitcher can hold up to 10 cups of water filtered and ready for use. You can keep it in the refrigerator to keep it chilled or leave it on the counter if you only want to have room temperature water. Let me feature some of the benefits of having a Brita filter. |