European Delivery
Being a car buff I've heard of European delivery for years and years and looked into it a few times. I know not a lot of people have heard of it before. For those of you who haven't it goes like this: You purchase the car in the United States at your local dealer then you go to Europe to pick it up. You spec what you want on the car, the model, the color and the packages. Then you order it from the dealer and prior to going to Europe you pay for it. That can be financed normally or you can choose to pay cash. Each manufacturer has their own way of doing it but that is the general idea.
Memorial Day
A few years ago I had the privilege of visiting the Normandy Beaches with my parents and friends. These friends had been so gracious to take us into their home and let us use it as a base to travel around Normandy and then to take us to the Normandy Beaches. We didn't see all of them but we got to see quite a bit. This was such a powerful experience and to me it represents what Memorial Day is all about.
The Road to Sedona Arizona
Who likes road trips? I sure love them. I've always enjoyed the call of the open road. Just to drive and drive. There is so much to see in the great United States of America. I love traveling to Europe and other places are definitely on my bucket list but road trips across the country are also high on the priority.
Notre Dame de Paris
Traveling is one of the best ways in life to learn about others and discover some of the best things about yourself in the process. It's not just about seeing the fantastic museums, classic monuments and famous works of architecture, although those are part of the experience. It's deeper than that.