Wheel Wednesday
I got my Litespeed Racing wheels last April. I have had a lot of fun with them. They weigh 14.4 pounds per corner for the 9"x19" wheel and so really dominate in the unsprung weight department. Unsprung weight is always best to eliminate if at all possible. It allows for quicker transitions and is more responsive to any inputs steering or otherwise.
As a fit athlete I get asked often if I’m willing to join various MLM companies, be part of their team. They look at me as someone who can market for them and as all MLM’s work, the more specialists in their pyramid the more money they can make.
Waist Trainers
It was a usual Saturday evening, snuggled up by the fire with my favourite hot coco, catching up on the first season of ‘Revenge Body with Khloe Kardashian.’ Khloe’s ever so perfect, dreamy figure got me thinking about, “What is the ideal feminine figure that majority of women all around the world, myself included, would die to have?” The answer was as clear as the light of day and summed up into one flawless Disney character, Barbie. There is something so alluring to men and women about Barbie, perhaps it is; the tiny waist, flat tummy, long toned shiny legs, the perfect rear and the right amount of curve to the hips. Realistically this figure is nearly impossible to achieve which has resulted in, the reintroduction of the corset called, the waist trainer. This article aims to expose the raw truth of this ratchet item that belongs in the 19th century.
Brita Filter
Product: Brita Water Pitcher
Price: $27.91 Best Place to Buy: Amazon Size of Container: 10 cup My Rating: 9.5 out of 10 The Brita Water Pitcher Overview Water is one of the most important things we put into our bodies. You can live a long time without food but not very long at all without water. I drink over a gallon of water each and every day. I don’t like the taste of tap water but don’t like buying bottled water. A fantastic alternative is the Brita Water Pitcher. This water pitcher can hold up to 10 cups of water filtered and ready for use. You can keep it in the refrigerator to keep it chilled or leave it on the counter if you only want to have room temperature water. Let me feature some of the benefits of having a Brita filter. Welcome to my webpage. I'm a mindset coach who specializes in your physical wellbeing. I love fitness and being in shape and I want others to be healthy too. Being healthy doesn't mean you have to be a body builder. Nor does it mean you need to be a fitness guru. It means you need to be happy with who you are. If you are a runner do that, a biker, make sure you ride, if you surf, go surfing. We are all different with different goals and ambitions.
I want to help you in a two-fold way. First of all if you are a couch potato then I want to get you off the couch and help you find what you like doing. I want you to be happy being healthy and take care of yourself by doing what you like. Part of that is finding foods you like to eat that are healthy for you. These two things will help you become healthy. My second goal in helping you; I want you to be happy and motivated in doing the things that make you healthy. I want your mindset to be a healthy mindset. To look at the exercise you do (again surf, row, hike, run etc.) as something which is fun and adventurous. I want your mindset to be so healthy that your body follows behind. Your mindset is what is important; after all where the mind leads the body will follow. That is much more than a saying, it is the truth. More posts to follow and I'm looking forward to learning all about each of you. Until then; Happy Lifting and Strive to Arrive! Phil |