CUP Bangers
Something has come home to me very strongly over the past two plus years.
Why that time period? Well that’s been the amount of time I’ve owned my Audi. You have to be careful of who you trust and who are your true friends. Of course I’ve always known this. Years and years of experience of people who backstab you or who use you. That is just part of the facts of life. In fact, I found the body building world to be very fake and hard to know who good people were. Lots of selfishness and self centered people, as well as problems with self esteem. In addition, lots of people who really only wanted what was best for them and to utilize you for their personal gain. Being more entrenched into the car communities, those same traits became too obvious. Let me explain.
Take Action
Life is wonderful and fun and difficult all at the same time. Throughout our lives we have many choices to make. Sometimes they are easy and fun like where we want to go on our next vacation. Some are more difficult such as deciding to live a healthier and happier life a new job or moving to a new area. These decisions ebb and flow and at some points in our lives it feels as if every single decision we need to make is a difficult one. With decisions, action is required to make it a reality. Let me explain.
Goal Setting
It's past New Years and many people have gone back to the gym to get started on their New Years resolutions. In fact many have already quit. I've just started. Last week was the first day back in a while. I've been too busy with other things over the past few months, cars, work, family the list goes on and on. Life gets in the way for all of us at one point or another. For me it was the last few months.
People ask me on a daily basis what do you do to keep motivated? How do you make sure that you go to the gym on a consistent basis? Why do you eat so well?
Holiday Food
Another holiday is upon us! For those of us in the United States, it is our national birthday, the 4th of July. When a holiday comes upon us we enjoy it and we do the best we can to find ways to celebrate. We celebrate with our friends or family, we go to others houses to watch the fireworks and we eat lots of unhealthy food.
The Gym Newbie
Evenings for most people are filled with; scrolling through Instagram, having a few treats and catching up on their dose of Netflix. This is the way my evenings used to be all the time that was until, scrolling through my Instagram I came across Ana Cheri and Greek God Fit. Feelings of amazement and admiration consumed me leading to a life changing epiphany which was; if I had their fitness levels and bodies, I would definitely be able to shut the body shamers up, which lead to me signing up at the gym. Enough about me, although let’s be honest, these actions lead most people to signing up at a gym rendering them a gym newbie. The aim of this article is to give insight into the life and feelings of a gym newbie.
Benjamin Button?
Call me Benjamin Button. For those of you who don’t know the reference, Benjamin Button is the story of a man who was born old and became younger throughout his life. It was first a short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald and more recently a movie starring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett.
People have always asked me how old I am. When I was a little, not more than 12 or 13 people mistook me for someone who was going to be a senior in high school. Now as time has progressed I keep getting mistaken for someone who is younger. If I keep my hair short and no beard most people don’t have a clue how old I really am. I can recall several times this has happened in the last 5 years. Getting Started
People always ask “What do I do to get in shape?” They ask questions like “What if I do 100 push-ups a day?” “If I'm doing 10 push-ups every day how long will be till I see results?” Or they ask “If I am doing sit ups and push-ups will my body change?
While these are not stupid questions, they are not the best way to go about getting in shape. If somebody has not been active at all I give them a couple of simple guidelines. The Gym Geek
Growing up as a groupie of Baywatch; I’ve always imagined myself running in slow motion, flaunting my, fit, sexy body. This golden body is not easily achieved. It takes hard work in the kitchen and serious grinding in the gym. With this goal in mind, I long for the hour of the day called Gym time. Enough about me, the main focus of this piece is a females perspective of “The Gym’’.
Falling off the Wagon
It happens to all of us at one time or another, we fall off the wagon. I know I’ve been there myself. I’ll talk about that more in future posts about how I’ve started and stopped. It even happened here on this webpage. I got started and created the page. It took me hours and hours to learn about WordPress and how to put the page together. I got the bare bones up and tried out some themes.
I remember distinctly when I got my first gallery put together. It was at the end of a long day of trying to figure out how things functioned. Different things I did changed the way the presentation looked and it was frustrating. But I persevered. Such a great feeling. |